Help a childNow

What you sow, you shall reap. This site has brought to you an opportunity to invest in our Widows and their children through sponsoring their businesses and education and developing their businesses to any level. If you feel you want to join the train; please use the information below

Our organization offers support to children and widows in the following ways:

*    Paying for the children education including books and vocational sponsorship in the areas of non skilled education;

*    Helping the widows in developing their careers and businesses

Feel free to use the account detail below to donate
Banker Zenith Bank Plc


Contact Us on
Account Name Ebun Ireyomi Trust Fund 08033606933 / 08034121982
Branch Intl Airport Rd, Mafoluku, Lagos
Account Number 6017408178  

Our Vision

To be a model Foundation giving support to less privileged widows and their children.....